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On November 15, 2018, Environmental forum of students , organized by the Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow and the Moscow Architectural Institute (state Academy) of MARCHI.

Yana Yarasheva

Ecologists, urbanists, architects, and territory development specialists will give students professional advice that is relevant to the formation of POPULAR competencies of the FUTURE: cities of the future, solving environmental problems, and developing territories.

• The standards of green building
• Eco-design trends and trends
• Landscape architecture as a mechanism that humanizes the space of a modern city
• Successful projects at the intersection of architecture, urban planning and ecology
• Presentation of works of winners of a competition to create the design concepts of urban sites environmental education programs organized by the Department of natural resources and environmental protection of Moscow city

No less important tasks set by the organizers are the promotion of an environmentally responsible lifestyle among students, the development and strengthening of the student environmental movement, and the involvement of students in the cause of environmental protection.

The forum will contribute to the formation of a new view of specialists in the field of urbanism, construction, architecture and design, as conductors of ideas of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

Location: Moscow Institute of architecture, Rozhdestvenka str., 11/4, K. 1, p. 4.
Time: from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 a.m.

REGISTRATION www.эко-форум.москва

Яна Ярашева

Для меня дизайн интерьера — это в первую очередь искусство. А безупречное чувство стиля и вкуса, богатая фантазия и индивидуальный подход на базе фундаментальных архитектурных знаний, полученных в МАрхИ, и международного опыта — это ключ к воплощению самой смелой мечты в реальность.